May Business@ Breakfast
Date and Time
Wednesday May 31, 2023
7:15 AM - 8:45 AM MDT
Doors open at 7:15 am
Breakfast & Presentation at 7:35 am
Speed Leads 7:55 am
$25.00 per person for members
$35.00 per person for potential members
We require 48 hour written notice of cancellation prior to the breakfast to avoid being charged.
Speaker Presentation:
JLM Solutions
WCB - What Business Owners
Need to Know To Save $$

Jodie McFadzen
JLM Solutions

JLM Solutions
WCB - What Business Owners
Need to Know To Save $$

Jodie McFadzen
JLM Solutions


Registration is Required
Please Come Prepared...
- Bring Business Cards
- May bring: Employer premium rate statement - summary; Experience rating claims costs - detail; Payroll amount filled on the return just filed
- Prepare a 30 second introduction with your Name, Company name and one goal that relates to your business. Example goal below...
- a specific referral (would like to meet people in X profession)
- a business connection (would like to meet the CEO of X company)
- promote an event, course or product
- Prepare your 60 second company overview for the speed networking portion of this event.